"A Faded Cry"

I am an Indian warrior who died so brave and bold. And now I'm back to tell you, I want my story told.

We are a proud people who takes pride in being brave. But little did we know we would   soon become the white mans slave.

Once the buffalo by the millions thundering across our great plains. Until the white man saw fit to slaughter them for their own selfish gains.

Someone said, "If you want the indians to surrender cut off all their food supply." And when they killed all the buffalo the red mans way of life began to die. And when the soldiers could not find us Indian Scouts showed them the way. With rifles, bullets, and their issued dollar a day, Our endeavor to persevere began it's slow but sure decay.

And we all remember Custer and his brave 7th Calvary riding up Little Bighorn tasting glory and victory.

The Indians won that battle but the white man won the war and it did not stop their coming, there were hundreds more than before.

The Indians were told if they gave themselves up they could return to their beloved nations. But they were lied to, put in chains in cattle cars and shipped off to a reservation.

So listen up America there is something I'd like to say. "I sure hope no foreign country comes sneaking over and tries to take your land away".

By: Ned Nunn