Bad Day At Redwood

He came riding into town, his eyes looking straight ahead. He had a look about him that seemed to say, "If you cross me you'll be dead."

He rode up to the Red Dog saloon, tied his horse down and went inside. He was dirty and thirsty, he had just finished a very long ride.

The men in the saloon were silent, no one made a sound. He walked up to the bar, ordered a double whiskey turned it up and drinked it down.

Now the men started talking, everyone had a whisper on his lip. "He's a gunslinger", one man said, "look at the way he's wearing his pistol slung low on his hip."

Maybe he's a bank robber was a thought of another man. And he could take this whole town hostage just because he knows he can.

The cowboy ordered another whiskey, drank it down and walked outside. People were crossing the street to avoid him, making sure his path was wide.

Now panic had set in and folks were gathering in a pack. Then a shot rang out and the stranger was hit in the back.

Now a hush came over the crowd, not a single word was said. And now the crowd rushed to the stranger he was lying in the street dead.

One man bent down to search him for some kind of I.D. Now everyone moved a little closer because they all wanted to see.

A man reached inside his vest, pulled a letter from his pocket. Opened up the envolope, and took out a letter and a silver locket.

This is what the letter said:

Dear Larry,

I could use a deputy, if you would like the job. Please come to Redwood it's a very friendly town, you will like it. I sure do.

Your brother, Bob

By: Ned Nunn