"Christmas Of Yesterday "

Christmas of Yesterday

When I look back on years gone by, I shake my head and wonder why. The mystery is gone from the children's eyes Christmas has become so commercialized. Retailers selling their merchendise.

But I remember holidays of yester-year. When people helt the tradition of Christmas dear. Rush, rush, run, run, buy, buy, what fun! Rushing their Christmas shopping wanting to get done.

Spending money on people they love very much, who are there all year but out of touch. Your loved one asked what did you get me this year? And you say you will like it but I can't tell you my dear.

When I was growing up we didn't buy our Christmas tree from a Wal-Mart's store. We went out and cut one and nailed it to the floor!Sometimes it was so big it wouldn't fit through the door.

It is amazing how much time we would take stringing popcorn for the tree and baking a fruitcake. We hung our lights and mistletoe up. And sang Christmas carols and drink hot chocolate from our cup.

Christmas was simple and not expensive in those days, but that was before shopping online and the credit card craze. Maybe I'm old fashiond and out of touch. And I don't care for Christmas all that much.

Kids is what Christmas is all about. Not shopping till you drop and maxing your credit cards out. But when the holidays are over and the bills roll in you will tell yourself "I'll never do that again."

Now if anyone can figure out how to get away with not buying toys on christmas day. And your kids tell you its OK. Well if you think things haven't changed and everythings fine. And your having a ball buying toys online? Well that's your prerogative and I have mine.

Although it's just a dream I will take the Christmas I had with my Dad and Mom. An old fashion holiday with out the .com.

Ned Nunn