" Drugs and Drinking "

There was a young man, we'll say his name is Paul, He started drugging and drinking never knew how far he would fall.

He began drugging and drinking in Jr. High School, He just didn't realize he was just being a fool.

He drank and did drugs because he wanted to fit in, He wanted to be accepted by his all good time friends.

He wanted to fit in and he wanted to be cool, So there was not no drugs Paul would not do.

He drank and did drugs and did not get his education, When school was over he started a life of frustration.

He got lucky and landed a job in a known factory, Even with that good job and money he was not happy.

He kept on drugging and drinking and held up that job for sometime, Eventually things happened and found himself in the unemployment line.

Now Paul knew he had to do some serious thinking. When he did, he told himself, I can handle my drugging and drinking.

He went from job to job and none seemed to be enough. But he knew he had to do something to keep getting his stuff.

So he went to the stores and he started to boost and steal. Because in the next couple of days he'd have to make another deal.

So he worked and he stole and he stole and he worked. It did not seem to matter he found his self in court.

He went from jail to jail and played to judicial system. They gave him some time, but Paul would not listen.

Well, I really don't think he knew exactly what he was thinking. But he honestly thought he could handle his drugging and his drinking.

He stepped out to a bar one night to go and get high. He saw the flashing lights in the rearview, sure enough another DUI.

So he found himself back in court and caught up in the system. And he said to himself, mabye this time I should truly listen.

Well, they sentenced him to this place nicknamed (RESO)Resolutions, Where they gave him drug and drinking educations and offered him a solution.

So Paul knew it was time to get honest and start trying to take a look inside himself and stop all the lying.

So he paid attention to the program and let it all sink in. Then He opened the Good Book and repented from his sins.

Though he knows he'll never recover, just be recovering that's a fact. As long as he works the steps he'll never have to go back.

For you that do not know me,This is my story for my name is Paul. So please be very careful, my friend, because you may also fall.

And if there's anybody out there that can or may relate. Try to be honest and stop drugging and drinking because it may never be too late.

Just one last thing my friends, for you that will not give up the dope, Please pick up the Good Book, my friends, You may also find some hope.

By: Paul Campbell


Paul helped many people after this poem was made. He kept his battle up against drugs and drinking.

Then in the summer of 1997 doctors told him he had ALS (Lou Gehrigs Disease). He faced that one day at a time. He always had a smile and good word for everyone. He kept his faith up and never gave in .

Paul went to sleep on December 16, 1999 and never woke up.

All his battles are over now ...he is at peace.

Juanita Nunn

(Paul's Sister)