My Best Father's Day

I was standing in my yard, cranking on my old lawnmower, it had just seen it's last day. When my daughter and son-in-law pulled into the driveway.

They carried a big box up on the porch, everyone gathered around, we all helt our breath, no one made a sound.

They said, "Happy Father's Day", and I opened up the box and much to my suprise. It was a big red mower, I could hardly believe my eyes!

Well, we all pitched in and began to put that big red machine together, bit by bit. When we got to the throttle cable, no matter what we tried, we could not make it fit.

Long into the night we worked, and my daughter, bless her heart. Wanted more than anything to fix that tiny part.

Everyone thought they could fix it, so we all took a turn, and then we took one more, and then we took two. We we're all at a loss, we didn't know what to do.

We finally gave it up, and quit for the night. We decided to go the next day to Wal-Mart's, look at one, and do it right.

We finally got it fixed and I cut my grass. It was fun, I had a ball. The new mower started fast, what a blast!

But the best part, and this comes from my heart, as I recall, this was the best Father's Day of all!

To Wendy & Jerry,

Matt, Ryan, and Boonie

You guys have made my life a lot easier. What can I say? This has been a great, great day!

Your old Father, Father-In-Law, and Grandpa

Love, Ned

By: Ned Nunn


Page Design By: Grandson Matt