Oh Mother Earth, I come to you with tears running down my face. Nothing looks the same any more, I seem to have lost my place.

I watched the years go by and now I know who is to blame. I wonder what the world looked like before the humans came.  

 I can't believe the things we have done to you and the things we continue to do. Calculating the good and the bad the good things or so few.  

 Now my heart cries out for an answer to the things that bother me. Just look around ....we are disaster bound and that's not the way its suppose to be.  

 We should have listened to the american indian and what they had to say. If we had heard their cry and gave it a try we wouldn't be in this mess today.  

 Now if we don't set it right we can say good night.... we know what will be our fate. Oh, Mother Earth hear my cry and tell me its not too late.

By: Juanita Nunn
