Our Demon Dog

After three people were attacked in West Chester, Ohio, we thought it was werewolves, but it turned out to be Nita’s dog, Casey. Everyone that sees him thinks that he is adorable, but they don’t live with him. They have no idea what we are dealing with.

I tell you, this dog is cursed, but he’s not a mad dog, because he thinks everything he does is funny. If you come to our house you better bring a ball bat to defend yourself. We call him the “hell raiser”. I can only give you a glimpse into who he really is.

His character was born between heaven and hell, and we don’t have a clue to what breed he is. He has long legs and a short body, and is three different colors: black, white, and silver. One ear lays down, the other stands up, he is a half-breed: half angel, half demon.

He has an unique, insatiable appetite for foam rubber. He does not like dog food at all. He likes underwear and socks, and he even ate his own bed! For dessert, he enjoys making a roll of toilet paper disappear, but he is convinced that we need him. I think he is quirky.

He has one fad, he likes cats. He is the son of a Poodle and a Pomeranian, but he looks like a junkyard dog. His tail curls up on top of his back, he has soft fur, and teeth like a bat. We think he is a republican, because he reminds us of President Bush, he too likes to destroy things. But as long as he doesn’t eat the grandkids, I guess we’ll keep the little monster.

By: Ned Nunn

Page Design By:

Grandson Matt

March 2005