Slick Willie, Our Pres.

Monica and Bill on Capitol Hill. He asked if she would, and she said, "Yes, I will," "but don't get careless and make a mess, I don't want to get something nasty on my dress."

He said, "O.K. you've made my day, i'll mix us a drink, then we can play!" Bill said, "Baby, you're going far, you should see what I can do with a big cigar."

Now Monica told Paula, and Paula spilt her gut to the tabloids, about Bill and his slut.

Now Hillary heard the story and said, " No Way!" And when we find out who started this mess, boy are they gonna pay!

But by now all hell had broke loose, and he was in a terrible mess, but he knew he was innocent more, or less.

Because poor old Bill, bless his heart, didn't know that what he was doing wasn't very smart.

Into the White House, Monica came and went, the doors were never locked. She just walked right in, she never even knocked.

I wonder what the Russians would have payed for that little trick, they could've stole the White House, with only one little lick.

Well now, Hillary is fit to be tied. She knows by now that son of a gun lied.

Hillary said, "I'm moving out!," "i'm going to New York, and run for the Senate. You may not have broken this marriage, but you sure as hell bent it!

She left old Willie, with the help of three moving vans, moved out of town, and when she left old Willie, he was Senate hearing bound.

He went on T.V., and pounded his fist, and said, "I want you to listen to me," "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewisky," "And I am asking my fellow American's to believe in me."

Well we fell for his lies many a day, and when we learned the truth, we wanted him to pay!

We named him Slick Willie, and tried to impeach, but he kept slipping and sliding, and stayed out of our reach.

He looked us all right in the eye, and even managed to work up to a little cry.

I don't know how, but that son of a gun, gave the american people a hell of a run.

Only in America!

By: Ned Nunn