Lying in bed, on a beautiful Sunday morning, the only thing on my mind was what a good way to spend the day.

Suddenly, as if by magic a sparrow appeared at my window and started pecking. I just laid there watching and then as quick as it came, it flew away.

Just as I was about to drift off back to sleep, the pecking came again, this time louder than before, in fact it was so loud, I thought someone was at the door.

I got out of bed, and walked over to the window, I kept thinking that bird is sure working hard to get my attention for some reason. I looked outside and to my surprise, the dogwood trees were blooming, there was snow on the ground, They were blooming out of season.

Long after the sparrow was gone, there were a lot of thoughts going through my mind, I opened up the Bible, and started reading for an answer to what had happened today was what I was trying to find.

There is a verse that reads, "I stand at your hearts door, and knock, if you will open the door, I will come in."

I had my answer, God sent that sparrow to show me he was knocking at my hearts door and he was willing to come in, and forgive me of my sins.

You can run but you can't hide, God knows your every move, He know's your hopes, your dreams, he knows the very depth's of your soul.

No matter where life's highway's take you, and what your little up's and down's may bring, Take God with you, and let him help you reach your goal.

Ned Nunn