The forest was verdant and perfumed, With fragrant flowers and shubs, the moon light filtered though the trees with silk like rays glistning like ice.

In the distance of my campfire I saw a beautiful white wolf. She was white as snow.

She came towards me and seemed to know I would not harm her. In a past life we might have met.

I thought back to my childhood and all of things I was taught by the Elders. Many years have gone by and I felt a lonsome yearning ....but for what?

The wolf stayed contented by my side for a while . But as the night grew long, she looked into the woods, As if someone was waiting for her in the shadows.

She turned, and ran into the dark forest.

I sat there and a peacefullness came over my soul and I was content about my life now.

But I will always remember the exquisite white wolf that came to me from another life.

By CreekLady