" My Thoughts "

Making since of yourself is confusing when you listen to other people instead of yourself.

They want you to think that you peak at fifty. But that is not true,the thought of having a limited time left can suffocate you and your spirit.

Though some people think you have to give up things as you get older, I think you get older because you give up things.

There is no number on living.

Who is to say when you live and when you die? I say, if you keep going and don't give up you make time to live and love. Take time for someone and behave as if you were immortal and you can work miracles.

Don't close yourself off and become a hermit and don't turn your back on others.

Nothing disillusion the soul faster than to think it is to late to live. It begins with a choice that you make, so why not make the most of it.

Now wipe away the cobwebs, you have alot of investments in you. You may not be the designer of yourself but you are the soul owner and operator.

You may have a stubborn battle ahead of you ,but it is one you can win! There is only one of you, no other person can be you. And that alone makes you special.

Be aggressive about living and defensive about dying, and you will stand out like a lighthouse on a rocky shore. When you walk in the light of life that's when you shine the brightest and your body doesen't have time for pain.

Be confident, recognize your inner strength. Learn to work with what you have.

The Longest odds in the world is betting aganist yourself.

Do you have time to live ? Yes you do!

Don't be a disconnected person.

At the tone the time will be now.

By: Ned Nunn